
Weekly Basslines #124: Goodnight tonight (Wings)

Wow, what a bassline and it's played by ..... Mr. Paul McCartney!

As a bassplayer he was always underrated,  but this songs basslines can surely prove that Macca is not only a great songwriter but also a  versatile bass player. This bassline was requested by Hans from Germany and is played on a fretless bass.

Written in 1978 this song was produced as a single to promote the release of Wing's "Back To The Egg" album and went to number 5 of the charts in the UK as well as in the United States. It's a rather unusual song for the Wings as it combines a disco-groove with flamenco guitars.

Taken from the book "Paul McCartney Solo Music Career 1970-2010 (John Cherry)":
"Disco and dance music were the rule of the day, so Paul, reluctantly, decided to release "Goodnight Tonight" recognizing that people would hear it as a dance song.
Becoming Wings' third best selling single, the pop song "had toes tapping, posessed an infectious chorus, and sounded great on the dance floor." 

But not only McCartney was to jump on the disco-train in theses days. It's certainly no coincidence that the Rolling Stones also released a disco-groove single in 1978. I'm talking about "Miss You" from the "Some Girls" album. It seems that the years 1978 & 1979 were the golden days of disco music and everybody had to be part of it. 

Thanks again to Hans for the donation and this wonderful request!

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